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Taking breaks throughout your day is proven to help you feel energized and less tired by the end of the day. I know what happens with many people – we get so busy that we forget to take care of ourselves. The next thing we know the clock reads 5:00 and we still haven’t eaten lunch.

The problem with this lack of self-care is that at that 5 o’clock time we become ravenous and will want to eat anything in sight. I know this because I’ve experienced it before and I’m sure you have too.

This is not a very good feeling especially at around 6 o’clock when we become so completely exhausted, due to an overabundance of food at one time, that we can barely walk another step for our commute home.

The way to keep yourself energized throughout your entire day would be to eat a healthy lunch at lunchtime AND to consume healthy snacks during the day.

Make sure to eat three complete meals with snacks in between. A key ingredient in maintaining a healthy body is to keep your metabolism moving.

Try your hardest to be aware of yourself throughout the day. Your clients and boss will understand if you take an hour or less lunch break. If you work independently… there really is no excuse for not taking care of your body – but if you have trouble remembering then set an alarm!

If there’s a will, there’s a way.

Enjoy your healthy day.