I know people are always feeling sorry for us gluten free eaters, but really I don’t feel sorry at all!! Gluten was one of the culprits of my bad stomachaches and I’m SO glad that I finally figured it out.

This may be the case for many of you gluten eaters out there and you may not even know it! If I were you, I’d stop feeling sorry for us and try it yourself! Yes it’s hard when you go to a restaurant and they put that lovely breadbasket on the table – it takes lots of strength to push it away, BUT it doesn’t mean that I don’t eat bread. It just means that I eat a different kind of bread. Dough made from almond flour, rice flour and any other flour not made with gluten. There are lots of choices at your local grocery store in the freezer section – check it out! There’s bread made out of millet and other grains and nuts.

The best part about us gluten free eaters is that we are part of a small niche and we tend to stick together. When we find new recipes we’re always ready to share them because who wouldn’t want something new to add to their everyday repertoire.

Don’t feel upset if you can’t tolerate gluten, it may be the best thing that’s ever happened to you! You may even start cooking and baking like you never thought you would. Take it as a journey, not a complete loss. There are plenty of substitutes and once you start your search you will see what I mean.

Good luck! If you have any questions please feel free to ask.